Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Little Town that Could

"The Little Train that Could" was a children's book that taught us that we all can do it, if we try. Last Month, I signed, and encouraged fellow friends to sign, a Petition against the Burning of the Kur'an in Gainesville, Flordia on 9/11. Thank you, all.
We all made a difference and I share with you here the Story of "The Little Town that Could" and did "Make a difference". with these extracts from an e-mail from and the petition founders, the Citizens of Gaineville.
With LOVE, I hope we can all, stand in line on the last day; and not be concern wheather the person behind us or in front of us is somehow difference.. Only HE will judge; and certainly HIS decision shall be influence by how we loved each other and lived HIS principles. Even when it touched those with whom we do not agree with.

They wrote me in the e-mail. " The vast majority of you took the time ... You are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and non-believers from 97 different countries ..(and what we could hear is that there is a common thread that passes between all of us)."
Though we are from all over the world, Kansas to Pakistan, Canada to Malaysia, we somehow speak a universal language. ... (of) Love, Peace, Respect, and Caring. It was as though something this wrong touched a common place in all of our hearts....- we stood up for each other. (respecting or caring for )The man who wrote that he bathes before touching the Koran, and kisses it as he turns its pages - he called out for help from total strangers across the seas. He got that help - not because of a book, but because of a deep sense of caring for him and respect for his beliefs."
Also the town of Gainesville was more than just quite as "Those..from places around the world will be pleased to know.. of many actions that the citizens of Gainesville took to protest... For a solid week there were public events .. and the Mayor declared September 11th "Interfaith Solidarity Day".

"During the entire week, churches, synagogues, and Muslim places of worship held interfaith services. On Friday night, 9/10, one of Gainesville's largest churches held a standing room only gathering ...shared by (those of ) different religions. Numerous Imams read from the Koran that night, which for many Americans was their first exposure to Islam's holy book. This was just one of many gatherings where the Koran was shown respect in the face of the planned disrespect by a handful of people."

So to all whom took the time following my facebook request, to sign the petition I say.. God's work is praise enough". To those who were too busy to express their concerns or saw the wrongful opinion of one person as not their business; I say... "We are one world, one poeple under God.. and one Love" without regard for race or difference of religion. We can make a difference and we should make our voice heard..